Tuesday, October 19

What Would Happen If______?

oke sesuai judul di atas, “what would happen if______?” adalah serangkaian kalimat yang tercantum dalam tugas bahasa Inggris gue tadi di sekolah. dan yak minat + hasrat gue untuk berkata-kata pun keluar, sampe akhirnya itulah yang jadi inspirasi gue buat blogging malem ini.
tapi di blog ini gue bakal bahas lebih lengkap apa yang sebenernya mau gue tumpahin di kertas tadi, sayang aja tadi itu tugas jadi gak enak kalo terlalu jujur apalagi bu Tim grrrrzrrwh
And okay guys, here we go.........

Think about it● Study and complete the following sentences. See the examples

/What would happen if the Sun didn't shine?
If the Sun didn't shine, there would not be daylight

/What would happen if the Moon didn't shine?
If the Moon didn't shine, the night would be so dark.

dan ini itu pertanyaan yang brand-nya (?)
1. What would happen if there were no stars?
If there were no stars, the sky wouldn't look beautiful as usual. And it's sad to see that the Moon have to bright alone.

2. What would happen if there were no schools?
If there were no school, it might be the best thing alive!!! I dont need to study, doing my tasks & exam. I wouldn't know what they are. I don't have to wake up earlier everymorning. I don't need to obey the rules. Don't have to stay up all night just for doing homework & study for the exams. Stress out less, relax more. I wouldn't waste my time just to hear teacher's tweet, their hypocrite. They always says “buat apa sih nak kalian nyontek? kalian tuh sekolah cari ilmu bukan cari nilai. mending kalian dapet nilai jelek tapi itu usaha kalian sendiri daripada dapet nilai sempurna tapi kalian tanya kanan-kiri” “oh come on dude!!! for my lovely teachers, I know you lie. all of you.
see? selama gue hidup dan bersekolah, gue gak pernah liat ya kalo orang-orang yang lebih diperhatiin guru tuh yang nilainya jelek. tiap kita, para murid dapet nilai jelek, apa kalian bisa sabar ngadepin kita? kalian selalu marah dan ngomel.
coba apa selama ini mereka-mereka yang dapet rangking & sukses itu orang-orang yang dapet nilai gak bagus? GAK!!! jaman sekarang itu nilai menentukan semua bu, pak. so please.......”
sorry mom, sir, I didn't mean to say that. I just..........I wanna thankful for everything you done to us, it's just too precious :') but if there were no schools, I would never find you guys my friends. I wouldn't know you, and half of my soul would feel imperfect. and it's mean, I NEED SCHOOLS! I NEED STUDY! My life would be so bored without schools. Without schools, I'd never met you, and I don't want to.

3. What would happen if you had wings and could fly?
If I had wings and could fly, then the first thing I'd do was take my parents. I'd take them to everywhere they want. Moreove, I'd fly clear across the world just too see them smile. cause seeing their smile was the most awesome thing alive :')

4. What would happen if you were the President of Indonesia?
If I was the President of Indonesia? Oh I didn't even think about it. I can't imagine what would happen if those words come true. one thing I know for sure, disorder would be spread everywhere in this country. Be careful (?)
5. What would happen if you knew that you're going to die tomorrow?
If I knew that I was going to die tomorrow, I'd meet my family as soon as possible. I'm going to make their smile, however. I'd tell them my deepest secret. My secret that I love them so much. Last, I'm going to take them to somewhere peace where nobody couldn't find and disturb our togetherness. After finished w/ this one, I'm going to meet my friends and I'd do the same thing as I did to my family. The point, I should show them how I loved them. How precious they were in my life. How they taught me to learn this hard life. I just don't want to waste my last seconds.

6. What would happen if you could read people's mind?
If I could read people's mind..............actually I don't really know what I'd do. But my parents would be the first victim. I wanna know, do they loved me just like I do. the point, I'm very thankful to God for giving me those super power.

yah itulah pendapat-pendapat gak penting gue, mimpi-mimpi gue dengan grammer bahasa Inggris yang sangat teramat belepotan. mohon maaf banget ya kalo ada kata-kata yang susah dimengerti, masalahnya gue juga susah mengerti bahasa burung ini-_- sebenernya masih pengen nulis banyak lagi. tapi gue pulang malem hari ini, jadi capek banget dan semangat blogging jadi berkurang.
well evribadeeeeh that's all from me, maaf (lagi) buat kegaje-an dan ke-gakpentingan gue. yap dan akhirnya Ratna Anggita Putri out dari peredaran blogspot malam ini, ttyl☺


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